Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP)

How MAP gases can help reduce excess sugar and salt

The adverse health effects that can result from the excess consumption of ultra-processed foods have been confirmed by specialists from the British Medical Journal1. While this may lead to positive progress for consumer health, it leaves food manufacturers with a challenge on their hands.

Ultra-processed foods are considered harmful in excess because they are usually high in salt, sugar and saturated fats. Research from the British Medical Journal has linked this to a variety of negative effects on consumers’ physical and mental health. However, salt and sugars in food and drink products are ingredients often used as preservatives, helping extend shelf life. Sometimes, this even applies to fresh produce such as dairy or meat products.

As consumers become increasingly health-conscious and governments zero in on ultra processing, the sector will need to rethink how products can go safely from farm to fork in a workable timeframe, without compromising shelf life or food safety.

The answer could lie in an already well-proven innovation.

The effectiveness of MAP

Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is an established and effective technology proven to extend the shelf life of packaged foods, naturally and without preservatives – which, as an added benefit, also gives it an important role in reducing food waste.

MAP works by replacing the atmospheric air present in food packaging with carbon dioxide, nitrogen or oxygen, either on their own or in combination, depending on the product. This protective atmosphere is then preserved by using either a barrier or permeable film to tightly seal the packaging.

Combined with appropriate storage in lowered temperatures, this specially created atmosphere is able to maintain the taste, safety and appearance of food products. This makes it an effective alternative to using excessive salts and sugars as preservatives in certain foods, including ready meals, plant-based foods, meats, poultry, snacks, bakery and cheese products. And there are additional benefits to boot – including drip loss and odour reduction. 

MAP may not be a new technology but when properly utilised it could help solve the conundrum of reducing the excessive use of salts and sugars in our food products while preserving food quality, shelf life and safety.

Ultimately, making better use of MAP packaging can support consumers in navigating healthier lifestyles without taking away the long shelf life and product quality to which they have become accustomed.

Can Aroma MAP form part of the solution?

Aroma MAP is a supplement to the MAP process, where essential oils from natural plant extracts are simultaneously injected with the gas mixture to create the protective atmosphere. Primarily used to enhance customer experience by delivering an optimised flavour or aroma to packaged goods, in some cases it can also extend shelf-life. Certain essential oils possess antimicrobial properties which can stop, or slow, the spread of microorganisms. Limiting the microorganisms that lead to foodborne illness can play a major part in ensuring that consumers’ day-to-day lifestyles and health are unaffected by the food they eat.


Sonia Guri


Sonia Guri – Lead Agricultural Engineer

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