We understand the challenges of running an efficient operation. There are often conflicting priorities to manage in order to maximise quality, safety, compliance and minimise costs.When you choose Air Products as your welding gas supplier, there is more on offer than just gas. We pride ourselves on going the extra mile to provide expert advice and a complete range of support services.
Regular checks on your gas equipment are vital for your safety. The British Compressed Gases Association (BCGA) Code of Practice 7 (CP7) and the Code of Practice 47 (CP47) recommend that gas control regulators and flashback arrestors are checked annually and replaced every five years. Let our qualified inspectors check your equipment to ensure you and your teams are safe. We’ll provide you with a certification for your records too.
We understand the various QA demands when using bulk gas mixtures including providing proof of gas quality at the point of use for quality management systems and external auditors. By using our portable analysis equipment, we can certify that your on-site mixed gases are produced to a mix accuracy aligned to ISO14175 and are free from contaminants.
Book NowAir Products can provide on-site and on-line safety training on cryogenic liquids and compressed gases. Our safety specialists can deliver attention-getting programs tailored to your needs. The practical and concise training helps raise awareness of hazards, handling safeguards and best practices to promote a safe and healthy workplace.
Find out more and bookWelding gas is often wasted due to equipment leaks, excessive flow rates and pre-weld surge. Air Products’ Gastrak® service identifies all the areas in your welding process where excessive gas consumption can be eliminated.
Access our downloads, including our welding services e-book and free safety materials.