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Why we need to get more from less

When will it end?

The manufacturing industry has survived the damage of the global pandemic and the challenges of Brexit, only now to be faced with supply chain issues, driver shortages and soaring energy prices.

According to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) rising energy costs are the greatest concern for UK manufacturers. Post-pandemic recovery in the manufacturing industry is increasing demand, couple this with supply constraints, meaning that prices are increasing – rapidly.

Therefore, given these extremely difficult circumstances and squeeze on profits, it's more important than ever to look for cost saving opportunities across every aspect of the business.

So, what does this mean for welding processes?

Now, more than ever, it is important to produce quality output first time. Re-work wastes time and scarce labour as well as doubling consumable costs. The mantra of the moment has to be "get more from fewer resources". Whilst welding gas is only 2-3% of the overall cost base a significant saving would still be beneficial to the bottom line.

This is where the Gastrak® service from Air Products can help. "It might sound unbelievable, however we want to sell you less gas" is the bold statement from Mike Smyth, Air Products UK and Ireland Commercial Director. "Our Gastrak® service is a collaborative process whereby our welding specialists visit your site to identify sources of excessive gas usage. Sometimes this involves substantial changes, however, more often they identify several small tweaks which have a significant cumulative benefit. In fact, Gastrak® service customers save on average 25% - but we've had operations save significantly more too. It's all about helping you get more from less gas"

The service costs you nothing yet the potential benefits are large.

So why not contact us and let's start saving 0800 389 0202.

Ready to lock in the savings?

Book a free Gastrak® Service audit

Simply fill in the form below to book a date for your Gastrak® Service review.
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