Delivery and Information | Air Products

Delivery and Information

What happens when I submit a request?

Off the shelf mixtures: One of our representatives will be in touch to advise you of pricing and delivery times, they will also assist you in setting up an account and to finalise your purchase.

Bespoke mixtures: The mixture will be checked for feasibility and safety, if there are any concerns, we will contact you to suggest adjustments. Once we are satisfied that the mix is feasible and safe, we will let you know pricing and lead times and help you to setup an account.

When will my order be delivered?

When you speak to our customer services representative to finalise account setup and payment, they will be able to advise you of the delivery time for your order. Please note that we are unable to ship orders before payment has been processed.

How do I check the status of my order?

Once we have activated your account, you can register online with MyAirProductsSM which will allow you to check the status of your order, simply navigate to the orders section. To register your account with MyAirProductsSM you will need your account number and postcode to hand.

Also, you can contact one of our customer service representatives using the following form. →

Can I change my order?

A speciality gases representative will be in touch with you to finalise your order and setup your account, it is possible to amend your order at this point or alternatively you can contact us directly on 0808 164 8548. Changes for bespoke mixture orders can no longer be made after the order has been placed.

Delivery charges

You will be advised of the shipping cost for your order by one of our customer service representatives when they contact you to finalise your order and process payment.

Returns policy

If you have purchased the product in error or changed your mind, unfortunately we are not able to accept returns. However if you feel that there is a fault with the product that we have supplied, or that it is not as described, please contact us on this address: stating that you wish to initiate a Customer Complaint Return (CCR) process.

Refund policies

If you find that a product we have supplied isn't as described or is faulty, follow the instructions in the Returns Policy section to initiate a CCR process, the returned product will be investigated and if the claim is justified a refund will be made.

How do I pay?

We work around you, once your order is placed a customer service representative will contact you to arrange payment. Most methods are possible; Pay by card, standing order, direct debit or bank transfer.

Contact us

Air Products PLC
2 Millennium Gate Westmere Drive
Crewe, UK
T 0808 164 8547

Gas bottles

We offer safe deliveries via a large network of over 200+ stockists in the UK. You’ll be able to access your orders and inventory information online.