Air Products

Carbon dioxide for swimming pools
Safer pH stabilisation with no harsh chemicals

Carbon dioxide delivers a safer, chlorine-free alternative for maintaining the pH balance and cleanliness of swimming pools, without the use of harsh chemicals.

CarboStore™ from Air Products is a swimming pool water treatment system that uses CO2 to provide consistent pH levels to create a safer, more enjoyable environment for bathers and employees.


Why use CO2

Safer for bathers and employees Safer for bathers and employees

Chlorine is no longer used, meaning that there are no harsh chemicals involved when using CO2 in swimming pools. CarboStore™ uses CO2 to create a mild carbonic acid and natural bicarbonate buffer that stabilises pH levels and disinfects the water with the same effectiveness as chlorine.  This eliminates the risk of overexposure to chlorine and the unpleasant side effects and safety risks that are associated with it. 

No manual handlingNo manual handling

Handling chlorine comes with the risks of spillages, burns and other injuries. Any requirement for manual handling or management upon delivery is removed with CarboStore™. The system automatically diffuses CO2 in pool water without any interaction from employees. When the tank is low on gas, the telemetry system sends a signal to Air Products to refill the tank from the external fill point.

Consistent and stable pH levelConsistent and stable pH level

Unlike CarboStore™, chlorine has to be manually diffused in pool water, increasing the likelihood of inconsistent pH levels. CarboStore™ automatically diffuses carbon dioxide at a gradual and consistent level, helping keep pH levels stable, eliminating the peaks and troughs associated with chlorine.

Long-term cost saving with lower environmental impact Long-term cost saving with lower environmental impact

The risk of pool closures and corrosion is reduced. Using CO2 instead of chlorine reduces the secondary pollution harsh chemicals typically introduce such as chlorides and sulphates. This secondary pollution can contribute to pool and plant corrosion that can lead to damaged equipment and pool closures. Carbon dioxide still reduces total level of dissolved solids in pool water, whilst minimising corrosion.

How it works

The CarboStore™ system from Air Products removes the need to use chlorine for treating swimming pool water. The fit and forget system stores and diffuses carbon dioxide into pools at a gradual and consistent rate, using telemetry to send a signal to Air Products when the tank is running low. Because of this, pH levels are kept stable and there’s no requirement for manual handling and management from staff.

Watch the video below to learn why CarboStore™ is a safer and more efficient solution for treating swimming pool water.

A CarboStore™ system is typically installed in the pool plant room and uses some of the existing equipment that’s required to operate a chlorine treated pool, as can be seen in the diagram below. Air Products provide the 1650mm x 610mm tank, along with a CO2 monitor, CO2 repeater and external fill point.

So that carbon dioxide can be delivered safely and effectively when notified by the telemetry system, the external fill point needs to be located in an area that is accessible for a small truck and a maximum of 30 metres from the CarboStore™ tank.

CarboStore™ system from Air Products


Should you be using chlorine in swimming pools?

Should you be using chlorine in swimming pools?

Read more

Pool water treatment: switching from chlorine to carbon dioxide.

Pool water treatment: switching from chlorine to carbon dioxide.

Read more

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Useful guides

Perfect pH

How we can help keep your pool safe for everyone


Download PDF Perfect pH



How to fix common pool problems


Download PDF Pool Troubleshooting Guide


Pool pH guide

Your guide to common pool chemicals


Download PDF Pool pH Guide


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